The heart of VODC’s technology centers on the fact that certain shortwave infrared wavelengths reflect off the human body’s oxygen-rich, iron carrying red blood cells (hemoglobin) at differing rates. By flooding a car at these wavelengths, taking two photos, then superimposing one image onto the other, VODC’s system is able to identify the number of people in a vehicle regardless of whether their face is partially obscured. The technology can also discriminate human skin from pets, dummies and photos. The specific wavelengths can penetrate through tinted and metallic automotive glass, is not limited by ambient temperature or by internal vehicle temperature, is completely safe and works through any amount of hair or cosmetics. Works in all types of weather and provides information in real time, 24 hours a day without external lighting at ranges up to 150 feet.
VODC’s patented technology is able to identify the number of people in a moving vehicle through automotive glass at freeway speeds in all types of weather without the use of visible light and can differentiate a human from pets, dummies and photos. Because VODC’s technology uses infrared wavelengths to reflect off a human body’s oxygen-rick, iron carrying red blood cells and not facial recognition, a person can be reliably identified whether the person is laying down (photo #1), partially covered in the back seat (#2) is old (#3) wearing makeup and image partially blocked by a visor with hands raised (#4) or partially covered by hair looking sideways (#5)